Tuesday, May 20, 2014


American Industrial Machine
American International

a company that will act to hold the industrial machine
asset development contracts of various entities. 
In this case
                     will support the advent and development of an excavation technology,
 that will use a water-jet to liquefy and pump out the soil.
Steel rim reinforcement will be used to construct the outer wall for heavier
Industry. ©onico 022115

The Conico Story
Written by the Founder

Every time Conoco uses the Conico pronunciation
they are making Conico more famous.

This all began after 1978, When I started the design concepts
for the Container Industrial Company, the acronym for
Conico. I had a lawyer search it and still have the papers to
prove it.
I do know before any eastcoast TV commercials,
for Conoco that I saw after 1978, pronounced
But as I have been in the west before that year, I never did see
any TV commercials but I am sure I heard it pronounced
On the east coast they always pronounced Sunoco,
Anyway I always felt that there was intended illicit competition
that wanted tomake obscure the very beginning as to what would become 

The concept at that time was beginnings of what would
later be called the,"Pod", this was developed into that 
product and eventually was abducted became renamed 
the, "Pod".
It was discovered by me, when the need arose for me to
spring clean the garage and the office workshop that I occupy.
This in itself quite a task.
I figured to move stuff outdoors while I get organized.
By the time I would get started it was toward evening and 
it then as always would have to be continued the next day.
Many times during the night the weather changed.
At those days being a graphic designer, artwork and hard copy files
alone is enough to choke a horse.
I decided what I needed was a Container,
many models crossed my drawing board when
I discovered the Mobile Container, that could be
dropped off the same way a large open steel
containers that served the 
construction industry would work.
Qwala !  back on the trail.

In 1978
I subscribed to a "Penton Publication" for Trucks Trailers 
industry, etc. at that time, Therefore the TN TM Conico has 
was in use at that time, although I no longer receive that
publication, I still design and plan for that business.

The name(s) were registered,( both Konico and Conico), with in the files of the O.E.R.I.,
Office of Energy Related Inventions in the Department of Commerce
as titles.

To the best of my knowledge since it is an acronym for
Container Industrial Company and was created by me and is 
in use to represent the concepts designs and business of 
Industrial Containment, the is not much more that will 
be needed to claim the name.

The use of a conveyor system for Containers, as a modified
technology is exemplified in the parking designs etc.
as in the "Politan" automobile schematic back in the 1980'

Soon after the acronym, "Konico" or "Conico"
was changed to represent the, Container Industrial Company 

The reason I want to establish the fact that it was in the 
1980's that the parking model was sent to the bank
Citizen Bank in Cape May, and probably is the reason that 
the bank is no longer there.

The Conico Plan is to introduce the I-Mod if
it is a legitimate name usage 
this is the module that is a step in front of the Pod.

As a competitor the Pod seems to be 
an organization that illicitly appropriated Conico

Therefore the plan now is to begin to offer the I-Mod 
as a container that not only can be used for storage
but a container that is water proof, and can be adapted 
for use with running water and electricity, it would also
have available amenities such as tables and beds that are 
adapted to fit and fasten to walls, the I-Mod is also adapted 
for service to be installed on specialized platforms that serve as 
boats, and can be used in remote areas.
It goes on and off boats or trailers, can be used 
with "jacks", that are installed. The I-Mod is adapted for use 
to be used with warehouse conveyor systems.
Is adaptable for land mobility without motorized necessity.

The Conico Trade Name will be assessed as the
acronym for the Container Industrial Company,
representing the industry of containers and has since 1978.

The modeling of the K-Module will include the
Variations such as rent lease or sell the trailer
Chassis designed to for manual uses much
liked a boat trailer chassis etc.
and is convertible to habitat, etc.